Finist - Victory

The day of victory is near. I see it clear
The day when our nation will live without a fear
When we won't be afraid to show our pride and might
When we will say ourselves: "We're ready for the fight"

That day our banners will be raised up in the sky
Let all our enemies can see - we'll never die!
Our weapon will be shining in the rays of Father Sun
I know we shall possess the crown

Forever will be banished all bastards from our home
We'll take up high our banner let all can see - we have returned!
At last Slavonic nation forever will be free
And we will celebrate the day of victory!

As Phoenix from the ashes we will proudly rise
We'll shake of rusty fetters, we'll open up our eyes
And then we'll stand together for our great Motherland
The scream of million voices, the might of million hands

The battle will break out as the thunder burst
And every "holy prophet" will be nailed to rotten cross
We never needed of these fucking jewish lies
Gods! Please accept our sacrifice!
